; Main game menu. ; - A complete menu is terminated by "" string. ; - Items beginning with '~' are menu titles. ; - Items with '#' have run-time sub-item attached. ; DON'T REMOVE FORMATTING CHARACTERS LIKE '#' OR '~' !!! ; DON'T REMOVE OR MODIFY BLANK LINES - "" 200 "Start New Game" 201 "Network Game" 202 "Options" 203 "Credits" 204 "Exit" 205 "" ; Menu terminator - leave it here! ; Difficulty menu. 210 "~ Select difficulty" 211 "Easy" 212 "Medium" 213 "Hard" 214 "" ; Quit menu. 215 "~ Quit the game?" 216 "Yes" 217 "No" 218 "" ; Options menu. 220 "~Options" 221 "Controls" 222 "Set-up Graphics" 223 "Set-up Sounds" 224 "" ; Main menu - Open profile 230 "~Select game profile" 231 "< create new >" ; Main menu - Create new profile ; LEAVE SPACES AFTER ':' THERE! 240 "~Select game profile" 241 "#Enter name: " 242 "" ; Sound setup. ; LEAVE SPACES AFTER ':' THERE! 235 "~Setup Sounds" 236 "#Music volume: " 237 "#Sound volume: " 238 "" ; Sound quality not adjustable ;238 "#Sample quality: " ;239 "" ; Available sound formats. 245 "11 KHz" 246 "22 KHz" 247 "44 KHz" ; Controls menu. ; LEAVE SPACES AFTER ':' THERE! 250 "~Controls" 251 "#Forwards: " 252 "#Backwards: " 253 "#Left: " 254 "#Right: " 255 "#Jump: " 256 "#Fire: " 257 "#Straife left: " 258 "#Straife right: " 259 "#Straife mode: " 260 "#Run mode: " 261 "#Stay up: " 262 "#Stay down: " 263 "#Map mode: " 264 "#Use item: " 265 "#Inventory left: " 266 "#Inventory right: " 267 "#Player switch: " 268 "" ; Network menu - Base 280 "~Network Game" 281 "Setting" 282 "Connect" ; Network menu - Setting ; LEAVE SPACES AFTER ':' THERE! 285 "~Network Setting" 286 "#Connection: " 287 "#Data: " 288 "#Player's name: " 289 "" ; Network menu - TCPIP setting ; LEAVE SPACES AFTER ':' THERE! 290 "~TCP-IP setting" 291 "#Address: " 292 "#Port: " 293 "" ; Network menu - Modem setting ; LEAVE SPACES AFTER ':' THERE! 295 "~Modem Setting" 296 "#Modem: " 297 "#Telephone number: " 298 "" ; Network menu - other texts 300 "" ;empty TCPIP field ; Network menu - Connection enumeration fails 301 "No connection available " 302 "" ; Network menu - Connection fails 303 "Connection failed" 304 "" ; Network menu - Sessions 310 "~Host Game or Join network player" 311 "Host Game" 312 "Join" ; Network menu - Wait for players 315 "~Waiting for other players..." 316 "Start the Game" ; Debriefing menu - Titles 320 "Mission successful" 321 "Mission unsuccessful" 322 "Campaign finished" ; Debriefing menu - Statistics 325 "Ammo spent: " 326 "Hits: " 327 "Enemies killed: " 328 "Civilians killed: " 329 "Allies killed: " 330 "Missed in action: " ; Mission names as shown in Load/Save menus. 350 "Adda river" 351 "Bergamo" 352 "Piemonte" 353 "Ticino river" 354 "Zelezna vrata" 355 "Velke Gradiste" 356 "Zelezna vrata" 357 "Pritina\bunker" 358 "Pritina\airport" 359 "Geluwedorf" 360 "Heiderberg" 361 "Peenemünde area\factory" 362 "Peenemünde area\labour camp" 363 "Road to\Peenemünde city" 364 "Weisstahl lake" 365 "Haraldholm" 366 "Bodo" 367 "Thorvik" 368 "Thorvik loch" 369 "Thorvik loch\submarine base" 370 "North Ocean" 371 "Prague" 372 "Prague\Kbely airport" ; Game menu - Names of all buttons (380 - 399) 380 "Ok" 381 "Back" 382 "Play intro" 383 "Mission status" 384 "Add a man to team" 385 "Remove a man from team" 386 "Auto set-up" 387 "Scroll up" 388 "Scroll down" 389 "Scroll up" 390 "Scroll down" 391 "Add item" 392 "Remove item" 393 "Add ammo" 394 "Remove ammo" 395 "Soldier info" ; Game menu - Names of campaigns (400 - 409) 400 "Italy" 401 "Yugoslavia" 402 "Germany" 403 "Norway" 404 "North Ocean" 405 "Czechoslovakia" ; Game menu - Campaign selection - Short info about campaigns 410 "OPERATION IRON SWARM, ITALY, 5.7.1942\The goal of this campaign is to free captured English pilots of shot-down bombers. The Germans are holding them somewhere in Piemonte area. We haven't found out where exactly the pilots are, but we have to find them at all costs." 411 "OPERATION SILVER GATE, YUGOSLAVIA, 5.9.1941\The goal of this campaign is to disrupt the shipping on the river Danube. So, our unit of paratroopers is going to attack the ships. During this mission we are going to be in contact with local members of Resistance and with partisans. Lancasters flying on their routine bombing mission will take us to our destination. You will get more details just before individual missions." 412 "OPERATION FIEND'S CALL, GERMANY, 24.4.1943\According to information received, the Germans are developing a new rocket weapon. Our task is to penetrate the underground factory and destroy it. This action is only for men who have courage. We are going to get into the main hall of this complex by pretending that we are attacking it. We are going to wear German uniforms and will have to capture a German officer, who will take us there." 413 "OPERATION SIGN OF CROSS, NORWAY, 23.2.1944\Our task in this mission is to find and destroy German research complex, situated in Norway. Our intelligence people think that the research that is done there is connected with development of nuclear bomb. We have to prevent at all costs the Germans to continue with this." 414 "OPERATION BABYLON, NORTH OCEAN, 31.5.1944\Our plane torpedoed a German cruiser and she began to sink quickly. This morning the crew of patrolling Catalina found out, that the ship is deserted, but that she is still afloat. This gives us an excellent opportunity to get hold of deciphering equipment and charts. It's quite possible that the Germans will attempt to sink her by torpedoing her from their submarine. That means that we have to act damn fast." 415 "OPERATION WRATH OF GODS, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 5.9.1945\Gentlemen, the war seems to be coming to its end. Now the question is, who gains what from its outcome. Our country and our Allies are very interested in getting German rocket technologies. An important German scientist, Franz Kliegeman, lives in Prague, where uprising is taking place at the moment. Our task is to get Kliegeman safely out of Prague and to take him to Allies' frontier. It is going to be a difficult and complex action because the situation in that region is very chaotic." ; Game menu - Description of menus - shown in particular menu 421 "1" 422 "2" 423 "3" 424 "4" 425 "Select campaign" 426 "Select mission" 427 "7" ; Game menu - Mission selection - Short info about campaigns 430 "MISSION AMBER ARROW, ITALY, 5.7.1942 5:38\I'm not sure, how good our drop is going to be, but we are to meet with our Italian friends on the right river bank, in a deserted quarry. Good luck." 431 "MISSION HEART OF BELL, ITALY, 5.7.1942 20:14\Ok. Local Resistance informed us that the pilots are being held hostage in the oil refinery. Let's get in there and try to free them. We're going to finish the work the bombers had started." 432 "MISSION WHIRLWIND, ITALY, 6.7.1942 01:52\According to the latest information we received, our pilots are going to be put on train at railway station in Piemonte. Our airforce is preparing the bombing of the station. The goal of this mission is clear: to free the pilots and to destroy the anti-aircraft defence there." 433 "MISSION PHOENIX FALL, ITALY, 7.7.1942 10:42\So, it's getting tough now. The train with pilots is on its way to Germany and what's more, it must cross the bridge mined by our Italian friends. Let's hope everything is going to turn out OK. " 434 "MISSION BROKEN KNIFE, YUGOSLAVIA, 5.9.1941 9:24\In this mission we are going to destroy shipping equipment on the Danube. The target is the lock Iron Gate. They will drop us near the place of action and then we will continue on foot. Members of local Resistance group are going to provide necessary explosives." 435 "MISSION INTO THE DARKNESS, YUGOSLAVIA, 6.9.1941 0:17\We are not going to get too far on foot and it is still a long way to the lock. According to Resistance people, there is a German patrol boat anchored on the river. The crew is in the pub. It is vital for our other operations in this region that we get hold of this boat. But first we have to get through the town and there are several patrols moving about there." 436 "MISSION TREE AT THE END OF GARDEN, YUGOSLAVIA, 6.9.1941 8:32\So, here we are. Unfortunately, we haven't managed to get into contact with local Resistance and so we have no charges. But there is a tank standing on the bridge, and we could get hold of it if we act fast. We should definitely be able to destroy the lock with its cannon." 437 "MISSION GRAVE ON MOUNTAINS, YUGOSLAVIA, 7.9.1941 10:02\The secret partisan bunker is in front of us and our friends are inside. We are going to have a rest and wait for our transport plane. The secret airfield is not far from here." 438 "MISSION LAST COURTESY, YUGOSLAVIA, 7.9.1941 10:42\It's just as well that we can use the transport they organized for us and get out of here. We must be very careful, they are sure to follow us!" 439 "MISSION FIRE PORTAL, GERMANY, 24.4.1943 21:49\OK. First, we're going to attract their attention by attacking Abwehr's deciphering centre. The action must be swift and effective. And then we must get away very quickly." 440 "MISSION TRAP KEY, GERMANY, 25.4.1943 4:36\Now we have before us the night attack on Colonel Steiner's villa. Steiner is the key officer in several projects of secret German weapons. To make him co-operate, we have to eliminate all soldiers who are protecting him." 441 "MISSION VIPER NEST, GERMANY, 25.4.1943 8:02\With Steiner's help we might get into the closely guarded development complex. But we shouldn't rely too much on his loyalty to us." 442 "MISSION ESCAPE FROM HELL, GERMANY, 25.4.1943 8:48\It is quite obvious that our disguise as Germans is not going to hold for too long. The only chance how to disappear from here quickly is to capture some vehicle from the car-park in the compound." 443 "MISSION CLOSE FIRE, GERMANY, 25.4.1943 10:24\Quickly to Penemunde turn-off. We have the entire motorised brigade on our tails." 444 "MISSION CRYSTAL FALCON, 25.4.1943 12:38\We must keep our positions until the pilot prepares transport Catalina for the take-off. German vanguard is catching up with us." 445 "MISSION THOR'S HAMMER, NORWAY, 23.2.1944 0:15\Our first target is the local power station. Luckily, it is within the range of guns on our ships that are hiding in fog. We will place two remote-control homing devices in the complex of the power station and then quickly disappear." 446 "MISSION SNOW DEMON, NORWAY, 23.2.1944 1:25\Now we are going to attack the lab where the German scientists are. The goal is to destroy the archives and to disrupt communications." 447 "MISSION THIRTEENTH CHAMBER, NORWAY, 23.2.1944 2:37\ Here is the main target of the campaign: laboratory for manufacture of heavy water. It is disguised as brewery, but we know how to get inside. The goal: its destruction! And then - to get out as quickly as possible." 448 "MISSION VOLVEN HUNTERS, NORWAY, 23.2.1944 7:18\Well, it looks that we are not going to go home yet. Our local friends say that there is a German submarine in the nearby German base. It loaded some supplies and it is supposed to sail in a few hours. It would not be very pleasant if we were to meet her on the open sea." 449 "MISSION HUNT FOR GOLDEN FISH, NORWAY, 23.2.1944 7:49\Now we are going to get inside the bunker with indoor anchorage, where the submarine is. We don't have strong enough charges to destroy the submarine, but we will use to our advantage the fact that torpedoes are being loaded now. If we manage to place a time detonator on the bow, we are home and dry." 450 "MISSION BABYLON, THE NORTH SEA, 31.5.1944 7:29\It will be necessary to choose men for special team who will board the ship. We shall be taken there and back aboard Catalina. With a bit of luck, we could manage to search the ship and get back to the plane before the krauts sink her." 451 "MISSION KING'S ROAD, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 5.9.1945 10:25\One of the most closely guarded secrets of the Third Reich - rocket technology - is hidden in mind of Franz Kliegeman. He is fleeing from Russian and Prague insurgents. There is an uprising there. Situation there is chaotic and it is possible that we will be shot at by all sides involved. It is necessary to protect Klingeman from anybody who might be a threat to him." 452 "MISSION LAST MAN TAKES IT ALL, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 5.9.1945 11:54\The Germans seem to be retreating from the city. The Red Army is going to cross our line of retreat any moment now, so we must hurry. We are to be picked up from Kbely Airport, but the plane cannot wait for us for too long. The Russians are not going to fire at an English plane, but our group does look suspicious and so we have to avoid any sort of contact with anybody. Regard everybody as being a potential enemy. Good luck... " ; Game menu - Soldier info ; We have got 40 characters, there're 3 items to be written about each: ; - Title (460 - 509) ; - Name (510 - 559) ; - Description text (560 - 609) 460 "Major" 510 "William 'Mad' Calvert 560 "An all-around soldier, with a long and colourful career. He was one of men who were present at birth of SAS.\Distinctions: Victory Cross, French War Cross, and numerous other British and French decorations for active service in war-fields of Europe (1939-40) and Africa (1941)." 461 "Major" 511 "Paul Mountbatten" 561 "Fought in conflict with the Japanese in Burma. Originally a member of Singapore garrison. He compensates for his not-so-good physical condition by his phenomenal dexterity and surveillance abilities. Distinctions: Numerous British of lower order. The reason why he has never been awarded any high decorations is his unruly character. He was demoted twice for undisciplined behaviour.(Singapore 1935, Imphal 1941)." 462 "Lieutenant" 512 "Geoffrey 'Frankie de Throi" 562 "French volunteer. Being a member of a good family, he had been offered a cushy office position in Vichy government. He refused and fled to England, where he joined in the struggle against the occupants on the side of Free Frenchmen.\Distinctions: Awarded with French War Cross for his actions in Norwegian Narvik." 463 "Lieutenant" 513 "Lasse Thekjus" 563 "Member of Norwegian Royal Army, a seasoned war veteran from battle for Narvik. After German occupation of his country he was active in underground Resistance.\Distinctions: Norwegian War cross (II. degree), and various British decorations of lower order." 464 "Lieutenant" 514 "John Whintson" 564 "Long-time member of Royal Navy Guards. He joined SAS as volunteer at the time of its establishment. He did not take part in many battles but he proved himself as an all-around and reliable soldier.\Distinctions: Medal for his actions during Norwegian Campaign." 465 "Lieutenant" 515 "Sir Thomas 'Lord Mule' Woolley" 565 "Nicknamed 'Mule' by his friends for his ability to carry heavy loads for long distances. Distinguished himself during operations of LRDG (Long Range Desert Group). He is an expert in the field of desert warfare and survival under difficult conditions.\Distinctions: He was awarded several French medals for his activities in Bir Hakim region." 466 "Lieutenant" 516 "Anthony 'Eye' Switcher" 566 "A surveillance operations specialist. This subtle soldier is able to pass unobserved even the most vigilant patrols. This ability proved very beneficial in France during 1940, when he used to pass information concerning enemies movements to retreating British Armies in Dunkirk. \Distinctions: Medal for his courageous activities when face to face with enemy, in France." 467 "Sergeant" 517 "Jiri 'Butcher' Trebissky" 567 "Soldier in Czechoslovakian Army in Britain. After occupation of his fatherland, he managed to escape to Poland and eventually to France, where he joined the Foreign Legions. After defeat of France he escaped to England. He one of the group of commandos trained for assassination of Heydrich (Reich's Protector in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia), but he suffered an injury during his training.\Distinctions: Polish, French and British decorations of lower order." 468 "Sergeant" 518 "Chester 'Fairbairn' Ranking" 568 "A New Zealander, chosen for SAS for his activities in Burma, where he took part in undercover surveillance of the Japanese. One of his specialities is ambushing and stabbing the enemies. His lack of discipline brought him before the Court-Marshall in 1938, but he was acquitted.\Distinctions: Decorated with Medal for courage shown when face to face with enemy." 469 "Sergeant" 519 "Andreas 'Dutch' Gulp" 569 "An ex-member of Dutch Royal Navy. He used to be a member of newly formed special units that were to carry out sabotage on Dutch territory in case of occupation of Holland. These troops were never sent into action. After blitzkrieg in 1940, Andreas 'Dutch' Gulp was captured, held as POW, but later managed to escape to Britain. He has never been in any action since his becoming member of British Army.\Distinctions: None." 470 "Private" 520 "Daniel Paczowski" 570 "Soldier of Polish Army in Great Britain. An ex-officer of Polish Cavalry was, paradoxically, captured and held as POW by Russians. He escaped and reached Norway via occupied Poland. In Norway he got his first combat experience, fighting with British Army.\Distinctions: Polish Medal awarded for services rendered to his country, and numerous British decorations." 471 "Private" 521 "John Smith" 571 "An ex-member of British Dispatch Unit in France. As he was not one of the lucky ones who reached the beaches of Dunkirk in time, he had to steal German gunboat and cross the Channel by himself.\Distinctions: For his activities in France, he was awarded Medal for courage shown when face to face with enemy." 472 "Private" 522 "Jullio 'Macho' Zapata" 572 "This Spanish Republican escaped from Spain to France after victory of fascists in his country, and joined the Foreign Legions. After fall of France, he joined British Army. At the time of his joining the SAS, he was accused of being a Communist.\In spite of his many merits and experience, he has not been decorated yet." 473 "Private" 523 "George Aldridge" 573 "Member of British Dispatch Unit in France. He was injured during Dunkirk evacuation. He underwent selection process for SAS units even though he had been offered retirement on account of his injuries.\Distinctions: None." 474 "Private" 524 "Henry William 'Big Willy' Slim" 574 "An ex-Sapper and explosives specialist in British Army. For a short period he attended the Army Academy, but was expelled due to his controversial attitudes towards his lecturers.\Distinctions: None. Demoted once (London 1940)." 475 "Private" 525 "David Jankins" 575 "A volunteer-reservist. He got into SAS on account of his good results during parachutist training, having attained better results than many officers. He has not partaken in any action ever since his joining the British Army.\Distinctions: None." 476 "Private" 526 "Jan Skocir" 576 "Soldier in Czechoslovakian Army in Britain. He used to be an executive in Intelligence Section of Defence Ministry of Czechoslovak Republic. After German occupation he was active, for a short period, in territory of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Towards the end of 1939 he managed to escape to France and then he went on to Britain. He has not taken part in any combat yet.\Distinctions: None." 477 "Private" 527 "David Rodney" 577 "A volunteer-reservist. During admission tests he achieved average results, but was accepted due to shortage of applicants. He has not taken part in any combat yet.\Distinctions: None." 478 "Private" 528 "Robin 'Hood' Smedley" 578 "Before joining SAS, Smedley underwent training for Commandos, but due to his injuries he had to leave the unit before completing his training. He achieved very good results during selection process. He excelled in long-distance shooting. He has not taken any part in combat.\Distinctions: None." 479 "Private" 529 "Willfred 'Policeman' Towny" 579 "An ex-Scotland Yard investigator; joined the Army in 1939 and served with MP both in France and North Africa. In North Africa he was transferred to LRDG for a short spell.\Distinctions: In spite of his longstanding activities he has received no military decoration. Demoted once for disobeying the order to retreat (Kyrenaica/Libya, 1941)." 480 "Private" 530 "Irwin 'Yankee' Bootskin" 580 "After the beginning of war in Europe, this young America set-out for France and joined the Foreign Legions. He did not share his compatriots' stance of non-involvement in the war in Europe. For a short time he fought in Europe and then in North Africa. He was injured in 1941 and for some time he was demobilised. He went through selection process with satisfactory results.\Distinctions: He was decorated with the French War cross for his part in combat. 481 "Private" 531 "Thomas Smooth" 581 "Volunteer-reservist. He went through standard selection procedures with satisfactory results. His only weak point is his inability to take a good cover. He was accepted due to shortage of applicants.\Distinctions: None." 482 "Private" 532 "John Brown" 582 "Volunteer-reservist. He went through standard selection procedures with very good results.\Distinctions: None." 483 "Private" 533 "Ted 'Seaman' Silk" 583 "Previously of Royal Navy. Served on a minesweeper for two years. He went through standard selection procedures with satisfactory results.\Distinctions: None." 484 "Private" 534 "William Hobbs" 584 "Volunteer-reservist. He is an ex-high school professor of chemistry. Went through several weeks of training for handling explosives. He passed the standard selection procedures with satisfactory results.\Distinctions: None." 485 "Private" 535 "John Jeffers" 585 "Before the war he served in Royal Navy for two years, as cannon-crew member on a destroyer. After two years he was demobilised; no reason was given. Afterwards he was active in SOE (Special Operations Executive). He went through standard selection procedures with very satisfactory results.\Distinctions: None." 486 "Private" 536 "Paul 'Pilot' McGatt" 586 "Volunteer-reservist. Before the war, he used to fly gliders. He preferred serving in SAS to RAF. He went through standard selection procedures with satisfactory results.\Distinctions: None." 487 "Private" 537 "Jan Kazowietsky" 587 "Polish emigrant. Before the war he taught physical education at high school in Warsaw. He happened to be in Britain in autumn 1939 and after occupation of Poland by Germans he decided to join SAS. He went through standard selection procedures with satisfactory results.\Distinctions: None." 488 "Private" 538 "John Stirling" 588 "Volunteer-reservist. Before the war he used to be a forester in a small county near Edinburgh. He achieved very good results in selection process, especially in shooting and survival.\Distinctions: None." 489 "Private" 539 "Jacob Wingate" 589 "Volunteer-reservist. He served for a year in anti aircraft defence in London and experienced horrific bombings of 1940. His superiors rate him as a very disciplined, level-headed soldier. His results in selection procedure were very good.\Distinctions: None." 490 "Private" 540 "Gilbert Caven" 590 "For considerable time a civilian employee of the Army, involved in training of parachutists. His results in selection procedure were very good.\Distinctions: None." 491 "Private" 541 "George Darmont" 591 "After fall of France, this French soldier managed to escape to Britain, together with those who remained from Dispatch Unit. His results in selection process were very good. His knowledge of English and German is excellent. SOE (Special Operations Executive) pointed out his high value for Intelligence.\Distinctions: None." 492 "Private" 542 "William 'Spider' Web" 592 "Volunteer-reservist. Due to his excellent results during shooting tests, he was attached to training program for snipers. He went through selection process with satisfactory results.\Distinctions: None." 493 "Private" 543 "Anthony Saber" 593 "Participated in battle for Narvik. He was seriously injured, but recovered quickly. Still before the war, he acquired plentiful experience in fighting in Arctic regions. He went through selection process with very good results.\Distinctions: Medal for courage shown when face to face with enemy." 494 "Private" 544 "David Lincoln" 594 "Volunteer-reservist. He went through selection process with average results. He was accepted due to shortage of applicants.\Distinctions: None." 495 "Private" 545 "Thomas Mills" 595 "Volunteer-reservist. He passed selection tests at his second attempt with very good results. He got injured during his first attempts and was admitted to hospital.\Distinctions: None." 496 "Private" 546 "Jan Wolchowski" 596 "A Pole from Gdansk, who escaped to Britain in early 1939, when intensity of fascists' violence increased. He passed admission tests with very good results.\Distinctions: None." 497 "Private" 547 "Jim Bird" 597 "Volunteer-reservist. Before the war he worked as a labourer in forestry. He passed selection tests satisfactorily, but the tests of ability to survive in open nature he passed with very good results.\Distinctions: None." 498 "Private" 548 "Tony Atkins" 598 "Volunteer-reservist. Before the war he worked for an armament factory and has good knowledge of handling all kinds of weapons. He passed admission tests with satisfactory results, but was noticed as being a crack-shot.\Distinctions: None." 499 "Private" 549 "Robert Vanguard" 599 "Member of Royal Navy. Before joining SAS he served as heavy anti aircraft shooter on a gunboat. He passed the admission tests satisfactorily and his crack shooting was noticed.\Distinctions: None." ; Game menu - Soldier info - Bars (5) 610 "Shooting" 611 "Reaction" 612 "Stealth" 613 "Strength" 614 "Endurance" ; Game menu - Item names (620 - 659), Item description (660 - 699) 621 "Binoculars" 661 "Military binoculars suitable for medium distance surveillance of enemy. \Magnifying power: 4x \Mass: 0,25 Kg" 623 "White uniform" 663 "Camouflage uniform meant for COMBAT OPERATIONS in Arctic or winter conditions. \Mass: 2 Kg" 624 "Key" 664 "No comment:)" 625 "British uniform" 665 "Standard British SAS uniform. Other British Army Services use similar uniforms. \Mass: 2 Kg" 626 "Civilian clothes" 666 "It is possible to use civilian disguise to move unnoticed through enemy territory. \Mass: 2 Kg" 627 "German uniform" 667 "Standard German uniform. Other German Army Services and SS use similar uniforms. \Mass: 2 Kg" 628 "Anti-tank mine" 668 "Anti-tank mine is used mainly against armoured vehicles. Explosion is concentrated to render it capable to penetrate the armour. \Mass: 11 kg" 629 "Mine anti-P" 669 "Anti-infantry mine used for elimination of infantry. More dispersed explosion. \Mass: 6 kg" 630 "Time-bomb" 670 "An explosive on basis of TNT or plastic explosive equipped with time detonator. \Mass 1,5 Kg" 631 "Camera" 671 "A special camera of medium size for use in espionage, with which the SOE (Special Operations Executive) soldiers are equipped. \Mass: 0,5 kg" 632 "Colt 1911" 672 "Colt 1911 is an ideal gun for official use. \Calibre: .45 \Effective range: 40 m \Magazine: 8 cartridges \Mass: 1,2 kg" 633 "Electronic homing system" 673 "System for radio homing, used by Navy and Airforce \Mass: 2 kg" 634 "Sten gun" 674 "Submachine gun used by British Army \Calibre: 9mm \Effective range: 160m \Magazine: 32 cartridges \Mass: 3,7 kg" 635 "MP 40" 675 "Submachine gun used by German paratroopers. \Calibre: 9mm \Effective range: 150m \Magazine: 32 cartridges \Mass: 4,70 kg" 636 "MP 44" 676 "German assault rifle designed for paratroopers. \Calibre: 7,92 \Effective range: 700m \Magazine: 35 cartridges \Mass: 4,3 kg" 637 "Johnson M 41" 677 "Standard American Army rifle. \Calibre: 0.30 \Effective range: 400m \Magazine: 5 cartridges \Mass: 4,75 kg" 638 "Lee Enfield Mk 4" 678 "One of the best sniping rifles. \Calibre: 0,303 \Effective range: 800m \Magazine: 5 cartridges \Mass: 4,2 kg" 639 "K 98" 679 "Weapon used by German snipers. \Calibre: 7,92mm \Effective range: 1500m \Magazine: 5 cartridges \Mass: 5 kg" 640 "Bren gun" 680 "Light machinegun. Modified type ZB 26. \Calibre: 7,62 \Effective range: 600m \Magazine: 30 cartridges \Mass: 8 kg" 641 "Browning" 681 "Light machinegun used by British Army. \Calibre: 0,30 \Effective range: 1500m \Magazine: ammunition belt \Mass: 14 kg" 642 "MG 34" 682 "Standard German light machinegun. \Calibre: 7,92 \Effective range: 600m \Magazine: 30 cartridges \Mass: 8,5 kg" 643 "ZB 26" 683 "Czechoslovakian light machinegun. \Calibre: 7,62 \Effective range: 600m \Magazine: 30 cartridges \Mass: 9 kg" 644 "Panzerfaust" 684 "German compact system of defence against armoured vehicles, based on a rocket with chemical warhead. \Mass: 8 kg" 645 "Bazooka" 685 "M1A1 Bazooka is an American system of defence against armoured vehicles, based on a rocket with chemical warhead. \Mass: 13 kg" 646 "German grenade" 686 "Also called by soldiers a 'potato masher'.\Mass: 1 kg" 647 "British grenade" 687 "Mills' grenade from the twenties. Mass: 0,7 kg" 649 "Knife Fairbairn and Sykes" 689 "Combat knife used by Commando units and SAS. In use as from 1939. \Mass: 0,3 kg " 650 "Free hands" 652 "Flare gun" 692 "Flare gun used primarily for lighting terrain at night. Can be used also for signalling. \Mass 1 kg" ; The end texts (900 - 999) ; START WRITING AFTER LAST '~' IN THE LINE - DON'T REMOVE OR CHANGE FORMATTING ; Formatting (if present) is as follows: ~style~delay~. Delay is optional; if not present, default delay is used. Never modify the style of text lines. When appropriate, you may modify the delays. The text ends with blank line (""). 900 "~1~400~The End" 901 "~0~3500~On 7th May, 1945" 902 "German Admiral Friedeburg" 903 "and General Jodl signed" 904 "in Rheims an unconditional capitulation" 905 "of German Armies." 906 "~0~2500~Representatives of Britain," 907 "France, USSR and USA were present." 908 "~0~2500~The official end of the war is" 909 "as of 8th May, 23:01 hrs." 910 "~0~2500~Thus ended 6 years long" 911 "war in Europe." 912 "~0~4000Thank you for playing" 913 "~2~2200~Hidden and Dangerous" 914 ""